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Puppy Dog Names

Welcome to the comprehensive database of the puppy dog names. For ease of use we separate male and female names because you either have boy dog or girl dog. Our original goal was to collect as many dog name as possible. After we had collected about 10,000 dog names, we realized that we are adding more and more names that are very rare and in some cases even dumb. We also realized that we don't want you to read all those use rare puppy names. Most likely, as 80/20 rule applies, 80% of dog owners would use only 20% of all dog names we've collected. So we decided to change the approach. Instead of showing you 10,000 dog names without any indication of which names are popular, we cut out 80% and left a little over 2,000 dog names. So what is this new approach about? Well, you have a good base of 2,000 both male and female dog names and now we let you to make your preferences. In the very nearest feature we are adding new functionality to our website that will allow you, our precious dog owner, to submit your own name or vote for any existing name. So our database becomes alive. Nothing is covered in stone, new names become popular and they'll be in our database. For example, after the movie "Matrix" the name Neo became extremely popular and if we had "stale" dog names database than we wouldn't be able to catch the flowing of time.

Have fun choosing the best name for you puppy and please come later to vote for the dog names you like and leave the comments about them.

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